Friday, 18 August 2017


Hello All,
Fasten your seatbelts, ”Finally o! It’s About To Go Down” 
Love him or hate him (and it’s increasingly difficult to hate him), few would deny that Samuel L Jackson is a master of action. Perhaps SLJ finest hour, at least in this century for me was Pulp Fiction.  He is one of Hollywood’s unsung heroes that has single-handedly ruined the word mother******.
Welcome to week 34. Over the last twenty years movie directors has presented some of the most spectacular set pieces for the screen in modern times, and in a year when action cinema has been thrillingly revived, this feature marks a high point.   
Action movies has been around since 1903’s “The Great Train Robbery,” and when done right, it’s a form of pure cinema injected straight into the veins.. though I never saw TGTR in any cinema #justsaying, but you get my point.  It’s a very particular set of skills, one that’s thwarted many great directors, but in able hands such as Michael Bay/John Woo #bestever, who are capable of precisely choreographing a fight, battle, chase or showdown, to shoot them in inventive and thrilling ways.  (not like Dark Tower)  waste of time/popcorn/shawama with one sausage and one coke #justsaying.
To best describe this title would be foul-mouthed Deadpool goes to dinner with John Shaft in a location yet to be picked out by Google maps.  It is a thoroughly enjoyable, deeply satisfying piece of entertainment that transports you to a level of transcendence.
The booking department is very pleased to bring to your silver screens, The Hitman’s Bodyguard.  

Remi Adeyanju, 
GM IMAX/Filmbooking
Filmhouse IMAX.

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